

Thanks Prayer & Fast


A Season of Hospitality & Discipleship

We have had a very special time in prayer, word and worship throughout the week 12 to 19 January.
We look forward to sharing together all that God has encouraged us with as we look forward to the coming Year.

Ricky Harvey and Tim Blake shared about the plan for our vision for 2020 and the week of prayer & fasting
(You can hear them share this by clicking here or on the image above)
We will spend 12-19 January praying and fasting -seeking God for all that lies ahead. Please join with us in your own praying for Living Word Community Church and your part in it
This quote from “The Awakening Cry” By Pete Greig sets the scene.

“Revival in and of itself can be a rather shallow concern. It is possible to clutch at revival as straws, a sort of spiritual daydream of a time when we will be proved right, our projects will be seen to be successful-
A long awaited divine- ‘I told you so’ to the doubting Thomas’s and filthy pagans all around us.
Such an attitude treats revival as a pill for all of our ills.  Our Churches may be declining, our society Godless, our preaching maybe appalling, and our relationships divided, our witness de-evangelistic and our prayers faithless; but at least we can still hope for revival.
But in contrast to such fatalism, God calls us to address our failures now regardless of revival.  He calls us to bear fruit in season and out of season.  To get on and shape society in the cold light of the day, rather than in the hazy twilight of a tomorrow that might never come.”

We have so much to thank God for in the last two years and we continue to ask God that we produce fruit in and out of season.
Our Call is to first to speak to the rock that is Jesus and we will see rivers of living water flow.
The nature of our current season is hospitality and discipleship
The challenge to all of us is- to be a people of invitation that we invite those around us to experience the hospitality and discipleship of Jesus
So in our praying this week pray for the new teams and new opportunities being established to take us forward through this season:
  • Set Up Teams
  • New Ministry Teams for Sound Systems and for
  • worship and for
  • hospitality and for
  • Welcoming the lost, the lonely, the people we meet
  • We are speaking faith for a new building
  • Praying for a space to enable us to reach out and to offer the love of Jesus in new ways
  • Alpha
  • Bible Journaling Group
  • Youth Group
  • Messy Church Development (More Often/more frequent)
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Newsletter
  • Opportunities for Brunch, Family Picnics, Bring and Share Lunches
  • Church day out -Time out as a ‘family’
  • We are praying for ways to do discipleship better 
    1) Sunday mornings 
    2) Home groups
    3) More personal 1to1’s 

Please pray that we follow Jesus together following His Standing Orders to us:
Jesus Said – “I will build my Church” Matt 16:18
Let no-one think this responsibility falls on a single person or group of Leaders.
  • We are all called to be witnesses
  • We are all called to make disciples
  • We are all called to serve the poor
  • We are all called to serve the sick
  • We are all called to give of our ‘First Fruits’- Our very best- The first 10%
  • We are all called to be community
  • We are all called to honour and serve each other “The least shall be the greatest” A call to humility
  • We are called to worship with all that we are
We pray that we would all embrace the changes among us.
Ricky Harvey, 10/01/2020